Conservation Commission Public Hearing Information

What to expect at a Conservation Commission hearing

At the hearing, the applicants or their representatives will first present and explain their plans and the Commission members will ask questions. The Commission Chair will open the hearing to questions and concerns from the public related to wetland protection. All questions need to be directed to the Commission Chair. An individual will be called upon and state his or her name and address for the record.

As the Commission hears several projects and discusses and votes on other ongoing matters at each meeting, please keep questions and comments limited to wetland issues related to the site in question only. Please wait to be recognized by the Commission Chair before speaking and keep your questions and comments brief to allow time for others to speak. Please listen to the questions asked to avoid repeating the same issue. It’s fine to say “I agree with Mr. Jones about that drainage issue” rather than restating the same concern.

At the end of the discussion, the hearing may be closed if there is no more information to be received or continued to a future hearing. Continuation of the hearing is at the applicant’s discretion. While the Commission can request that the hearing be continued to allow further review, the applicant does not have to abide. 

If the applicant chooses to close the hearing, the Commission will vote to approve or deny the application based on information received up to that point. Once a hearing is closed, there can be no further input from the public.

How to comment on a project if you are unable to attend a hearing

  • The Commission accepts written and emailed comments as long as they are submitted prior to the close of the public hearing. 
  • All comments will be read into the record at the next scheduled public hearing unless otherwise requested. Comments will also be retained in the applicant’s electronic file.