Master Plan Project

A Master Plan is a strategic framework that guides the Town’s future physical and economic development based on the community’s vision and goals. It provides a roadmap of strategies and recommendations for the next ten years. Vision 2030 will serve as the foundation during the in-depth Master Plan process.

The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) has been engaged to lead the project. Having led the Vision 2030 initiative, the consultants have a solid understanding of Wakefield, its history, vision, and values.

Project Update

MAPC is currently drafting the Master Plan based on community meetings and surveys and will present the draft to the Town Council and Planning Board in the summer of 2023. 

    Project Background

    An Advisory Group has formed to drive the project. The diverse perspectives of residents, business owners and employees, students, nonprofit representatives, faith community members, and others will make this project succeed!

    The topics to be covered in the updated Master Plan include:
    • Land use and zoning
    • Housing
    • Transportation and circulation
    • Open space and recreation
    • Historic and cultural resources
    • Public facilities, town services, and infrastructure
    • Sustainability and climate
    • Economic development

    As the project takes shape, there will be many opportunities for the community to get involved, including:

    • Four public workshops throughout the project
    • Topic feedback and input via surveys