How do I get a permit for a dumpster?

Dumpster Permits

  • Annual: apply with the Health Department
  • Temporary
    • Temporary dumpster on private property (driveway / yard) or on a private way: apply with the Health Department
    • Temporary dumpster in the right-of-way: apply with the Engineering Division
      • A permit is required by the Public Works Engineering Division for any temporary dumpster that will be in the right-of-way (in the road or blocking a sidewalk).  The permit application will need to be submitted with a photo or drawing of the proposed dumpster location.  Once the application is received, the Department will confirm that the location of the dumpster is in the safest location and does not cause a visual obstruction of traffic.  A Certificate of Insurance from the dumpster contractor is required and a $25.00 fee will be charged.