New Opportunities for Recycling and Upcycling

Wakefield’s Public Works Department is offering the opportunity to recycle/upcycle eyeglasses and cell phones at Town Hall through June 1. Collection boxes are located in the vestibule just inside the front door.

In collaboration with the Lions Club, the community can upcycle new and gently used eyeglasses. The glasses will be cleaned, classified by prescription, and distributed to individuals in need across the world through the Lions’ Recycle For Sight Program. Adult and children’s glasses can be accepted.

Cell Phones
Through a partnership with Cellular Recycler, roughly 60 percent of cell phones donated through our drive can be refurbished and resold.  The revenue generated from the sale of refurbished phones will be used to support the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV). The remaining phones that can’t be reused or repaired contain precious metals that will be extracted for the production of new products. Phones need not be functioning, and devices with cracked screens will be accepted. Cellular Recycler suggests that owners reset the phones to factory settings, if possible.

Cellular Recycler holds the R2/ISO certification. R2/ISO ensures each hard drive, SD card, or any other data collection device is data cleared to the NIST’s special publication 800-88 guidelines for media sanitation. (Source: SERI 2014)

For more information about these programs, contact the Department of Public Works at 781-246-6301, ext. 4120.