Envision Wakefield Resilient

envision wakefield resilient with an image of a leaf





Initiative Background

In the spring of 2019, Wakefield received funds from the Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program to begin a conversation on how to create a more resilient Wakefield. The MVP Program provides communities with funding to complete vulnerability assessments and develop action-oriented resilience plans. Communities who complete the MVP program become certified as an MVP community and are eligible for additional funding to support their resilience work. 

Public Listening Session: August 29 at 7 p.m.

In June 2019, Wakefield convened two workshops where local and regional stakeholders assessed current and future strengths and vulnerabilities and identified potential actions to create a more resilient Town.

A Listening Session was held on August 29 to present and discuss these actions with the public.  A final report with the findings of the workshops and your feedback at the Listening Session will be released in September 2019.

Initiative Goals

Changes in climate are becoming more apparent in Wakefield, taking shape through four primary hazards: heat, drought, intense storms, and flooding. This Wakefield Climate Overview describes the existing and potential future impacts of these hazards on the Town. 

These hazards have inspired the Town to begin identifying and implementing actions that will enhance our resilience. To continue the conversation started at the June workshops, the Town launched Envision Wakefield Resilient. With consultant Kim Lundgren Associates, a pathway to a healthy, thriving future for Wakefield was initiated. 

We wengaged with residents and businesses to help develop this pathway through:
The final result is a resilience framework that the Town can use to assess future projects, policies, and planning efforts.