Does Wakefield water contain lead?

Town water from Crystal Lake and the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) is lead-free when it leaves the reservoir. MWRA and local distribution pipes that carry water to your home are mostly made of iron and steel and do not add lead to the water. Annual water test results can be viewed on the MWRA website

Lead from pipes in a house used for plumbing and from some brass fixtures may get into tap water. Corrosion or wearing away of lead-based materials can add lead to tap water, especially in water that has been sitting in pipes for a long time before use.

More information about lead in drinking water is available through these resources:

  • DPW Water Division at 781-246-6318
  • Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) at 617-242-5323
  • Massachusetts Department of Public Health at 617-284-8400.