Downtown Design Concepts

These refined concepts were presented at the public meeting on February 24 2021. They are the result of input from about a dozen public meetings and stakeholder focus groups. The designs also consider data from traffic analyses, a road-safety audit, and walking tours. The designs are still works-in-progress and will be continually refined. All designs uphold state and federal safety requirements and ADA compliance standards. 

  • North/Middle Main Street
  • South Main Street
  • Water Street
  • Albion Street
    • Wakefield was approved for Complete Streets funding to begin work on Phase One of the Albion Street portion of the project. A virtual meeting took place on July 30, 2020 where residents and business owners discussed Albion’s design and reconstruction plan. With the potential for Albion to serve as a model for the larger Envision Wakefield Downtown Revitalization initiative, time was also spent discussing streetscape and landscape themes for the Main Street portion of that project.
    • To prioritize work within the budget of this particular Complete Streets grant, Albion's Phase One concept was created. Phase Two will include the improvements west of North Ave. and lighting upgrades. While the overall concept is outlined in the below video, this file outlines the scope of Phase One of the Albion Street project.